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31. Before success comes in any man’s life, he’s sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and the most logical thing to do is to quit. That’s exactly what the majority of men do. Napoleon Hill
32. Be assured that if you go ahead with your plans you will meet with certain defeat.
33. These are likely to meet with opposition on the grounds of spoiling favourite views.
34. A committee of volunteers is formed to meet with Rita and see if she would like more helpers for more kids.
35. Are you a long-term investor or short-term trader? How often will you meet with me personally?
36. I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. Henry David Thoreau
37. You may return your Policy within 15 days of receiving it, if it does not meet with your full approval.
38. Rooker's survey shows that even the most diligent of officers meet with obstruction.
39. I can't see him physically but I meet with him in dreams.
40. Step one began on November 7, 1973, when Kissinger flew to Cairo to meet with Sadat.
41. Mr Hooke is hoping he can meet with BAe's finance director this week along with his lead investor.
42. But it caught the attention of Sarandon, who asked to meet with Prejean over dinner.
43. Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and, perhaps, some failure. Napoleon Hill
44. They showed the tapes to leaders of the Managua deaf community, who then went to meet with Los Pipitos.
45. Unfortunately, this would be certain to meet with opposition from the landlord.
46. The donor then must meet with a counselor, who breaks the news.
47. The group meets four times a week; in addition we have individual counselling sessions and we also meet with couples.
48. Those participating had the opportunity to meet with top government and industry officials in the host nations.
49. I meet with several other artists and we criticize each other's work.
50. They meet with men from an agency who promise to accompany them and ease their passage across borders.
51. To help clear the air(sentencedict.com), Mills is expected to meet with PacTel staffers in two weeks to discuss the issue.
52. His brilliant plan did not meet with the approval of the Imperial Naval Staff.
53. Ray made a formal written request to meet with Douglas.
54. It is also an ideal opportunity to meet with members of other district societies to learn how they approach matters.
55. With parental approval all the students elected to meet with the counselor in lieu of another subject or study hall.
56. Most would welcome it and would also appreciate an opportunity to meet with other trainers.
57. Some of the them make people mad, while others meet with near universal acceptance.
58. Generally primary schools meet with a great deal of public approval.
59. In secular western culture, however, the physical events of women's lives meet with a resounding silence.
60. A husband who tells his wife about his redundancy does not always meet with the right kind of sympathy or support.
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